Prof. Shri Shambhu Dayal
Founder and Chairman Aarogya Mandir & Ananda Yoga
Chairman Says
I wanted to become a Doctor since childhood but due to my economic,family & social circumstances, I could not choose science faculty during my school days. After completing my higher secondary school I continued my studies as a commerce student, During my graduation I regularly visited library, one day I came across a very good magazine titled 'AAROGYA' patrika which is published from Gorakhpur (U.P). Through this magazine I got introduced to naturopathy and on the very first instant I got impressed with it.
In 1959 I had just completed my graduation in B.Com, one of my friend's mother was suffering with Gout for the past 20 years. I took this case as a challenge, as doctor had said that she will never be able to walk and I treated her with the very basic Naturopathy treatment like MUD pack, Hydrotherapy and within 3 days she was able to walk and after 7 days she was in very good state.
In April 1998 I retired as professor & Head of Dept. of Economics from Durga College Raipur. One day my neighbour's daughter was suffering with leg abcess and Doctors had suggested to amputate her leg, by such advice the whole family was disturbed & sad and were not willing to go for the amputation. They discussed it with me and I adviced them for Naturopathy treatment. They agreed for it & I started her treatment at my house and within few days she was fit and walking normally.
The result of this inspired me to start my own Naturopathy Hospital. After my retirement I wanted to be busy and this hospital helped me to be busy and also a charity. I started this hospital as a charity. It has been 22 yrs, I started it and since then we have never looked back.
"I believe that in future drugless therapies will emerge as the most effective mode of treatment to combat chronic diseases."
Aarogya Mandir was established in 1998 with the aim of Research and promoting Yoga and Naturopathy in India and abroad to motivate people to lead healthy lifestyle and promote natural health in the society. We believe that in future drugless therapies will emerge as the most effective mode of treatment to combat chronic diseases. As we all know, lifestyle diseases are totally curable by Yoga and Naturopathy , as well as its also efficient in curing also chronic diseases.
Prof. Shri Shambhu Dayal Bhartiya is the visionary who was instrumental in establishing Yoga and Nature Cure Hospital in Raipur with the view of spreading the message to the common man that human body has the immense capacity to provide cure for its own ailments through various drugless therapies. For this purpose we also conduct several training programmes and events to promot these natural Naturopathy & yoga. Our purpose is to restore patient's natural balance of mind, body and spirit by combining modern medical advancements, ancient medical techniques and complementary therapies used worldwide
Promoting positive health through Naturopathy, Yoga Physiotherapy, Nutrition and Dietetics.
Weight management through Diet Therapy,Power Yoga,Aerobics and Zumba.
Rehabilitating the patients with Motor Neuron Deficit.
Pain Management through holistic approach in treatment.
Introducing the new concept of Holistic Health in Fitness Industry.
Implementing treatment and awareness camps in Alternative system of Medicine for the public.