Almost all the body disorders like diabetes, asthma, joint pains, muscular pains, back and neck pain, constipation, gastric trouble, piles, cancer, skin infections, vomiting, loose motion, disorders related to digestive system, common cough and cold, eyes, ear and throat infections, high and low blood pressure, loss of sleep, paralysis, psychiatric problems, obesity etc. are fully cured in the nature care centre.The treatment is done with the help of five essential elements like earth, water, air, sunlight and sky in a very scientific way. All the naturopathy treatments and therapies like fomentation, clay pack, massage, enema, hip and spinal bath, foot bath, sun bath, steam bath, mud bath, wet bandage, kunjal kriya, jal neti, sutra neti, yoga, pranayama and meditation etc. are taught to the aspirants and patients.
Diseases treated at Aarogya Mandir
Metabolic Disorders - Obesity, Hyperthyoroidism-Hypothyroidism Diabetes, Gout.
Respitory Disorders - Common Cold, Sinusitis, Asthma, Bronchitis.
Gastro-Intestinal Disorder - Hyper Acidity, Chronic Gastritis, Constipation, IBS, Piles.
Occupational Disorder - Cervical, Lumber Spondylitis, Sport Injury, Paralysis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Poly Arthritis, Low back pain .
Disorders of Female Reproductive Systems - PCOD, Fibroid, Heart Diseases, Hypertension, Hypotension, High Cholesterol, Blockages.
List of Packages
Naturopathy Detoxification
Naturopathy Wellness
Pain Management
Weight Management
Diet Counseling
Slimming (Abdomen, Thigh, Arm)
Naturopathic treatments and Panchakarma
Mud Pack To Eyes And Abdomen
Jala Neti (water Nasal Cleansing)
Vaman Dhouti (stomach Cleansing)
Steam Bath (cabin)
Spinal Bath
Mud Bath For Whole Body
Full Wet Sheet Pack
Sweadish Full Body Massage Therapy
Foot And Arm Bath
Hip Bath
Cross Chest Pack
Abdomen Pack /trunk Pack
Knee Pain Potali Massage (local)
Full Immersion Bath
Potali Massage (full Body)
Enema (rectal Irregation)
Jala Shirodhara
Infra Red Therapy
Spinal Spray Bath
Powder (vibro) Massage
Slimming Therapy
Vacuum Therapy
Ultra Sound Therapy
Inter Ferential Therapy (IFT)
Moist Heat Therapy
Wax Bath Therapy
Facial Steam
Short Wave Diathermy (SWD)
Local Steam Bath Therapy
Sponge Bath
Helio Therapy / Sun Bath
Color Therapy
Body Composition Analysis
Diet Consultation